Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Remember Who You Are

Amidst our daily lives, we often forget our connection with our bodies.  Our activities, our minds, our emotions send us off in different directions. 
Slowing down, creating space, allowing time all help us to remember.   We focus, we breathe, we reconnect.
Remembering is a natural process.  However, it's usually best to set aside time to recapture our inherent sense of one-ness.  When we have trouble slowing down or  are under alot of stress, It can be helpful to have someone facilitate this process.
Remembering automatically soothes and grounds us.  Remembering happens with all of our self: our mind, our body, and our spirit.  Aligning these parts of our self allows us to stay centered in the present moment.  
When we are centered in the awareness of our own body, we can experience our interconnectedness with others.  We  can recognize that, in spite of our one-ness, we are always held, always surrounded, always in community. 
Remembering simply allows us to enjoy being a part of this wholeness.
As we maintain a focused center, we can allow our breath to flow, our body to relax, and our mind to stop seeking answers.   
A balancing process occurs.  We become quiet inside.   The silence of our being brings peace.  The joy of remembering  is the fruit of life.