Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Patience and Tolerance: The Art of Weedeating

"Tis the season of the weed.   Early spring allows us to rejoice at the green abundance of life that comes forth from the earth.  As it progresses,  too much becomes too much - green eventually turns to brown with all the hazards thereof. 
We all have weeds in our life.  Externally, fueled by sun and rain; internally by the viccitudes of life.  Both require the same response: patience and tolerance.  A weedeater is helpful, too!
Tolerance allows us to see the weeds without malice.  Patience, to take the steps necessary to work with them.  Recognizing "the season of the weed" allows one to immerse oneself without getting lost. 
There are hazards to weedeating and it is helpful to know and learn the terrain.    Whether out in the field or in your mind, life allows us to experience the risks so that we can learn to avoid them.  And then comes the practice.
Tools of the trade:  weedeater, goggles and mask - or purple handkerchief as the case may be.  Choosing the time of day, avoiding the heat of the sun, enjoying the activity.  Satisfaction with the results.
Tools of the heart: patience, tolerance and insight.  Perseverance, gentleness and love.  Yes, of even the weeds.  Those tough times in life that herald our joy.
Just as goggles and handkerchief protect our eyes and face,  a fierce heart protects us and the ones we love.  A soft  heart allows us to  maintain our focus, not on the weed but the task at hand.  Expanding the heart to move through the weeds while developing faith and trust in the process of life. 
Here's to the weeds in your life - may they expand your joy!

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